I am trying to create a working Mancala Game in scala, Currently, I have 3 Classes, Board.scala, Mancala.scala and Player.scala
Here is a copy of my Board Class
* The board of an ongoing game of mancala
* @param player1: The number of seeds in each of lower player's pods (left to right)
* @param bank1: The number of seeds in the lower player's bank
* @param player2: The number of seeds in each of upper player's pods (left to right, from that player's perspective)
* @param bank2: The number of seeds in the upper player's bank
* @return a new board after the move takes place
class Board(val player1: Seq[Int], val bank1: Int, val player2: Seq[Int], val bank2: Int) {
/** Create a new board from a player taking a turn */
def move(player: Int, position: Int): Board = {
if (player != 1 && player != 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException
if (position < 0 || position > 5) throw new IllegalArgumentException
// Inner function for depositing seeds along a side
def progress(seeds: Int, position: Int, side: Seq[Int]) = {
val dist = math.min(seeds, 6 - position)
val newSide = {
case (a, b) => if (b >= position && b < position + dist) a + 1 else a
(seeds - dist, newSide)
// Inner function for depositing a seed in the bank
def depositInBank(seeds: Int, bank: Int): (Int, Int) = {
if (seeds > 0) (seeds - 1, bank + 1) else (seeds, bank)
// Redistribute the pieces. Board movement positions are always counted
// from the left
val (startSide, oppSide) =
if (player == 1) (player1.toArray, player2.reverse.toArray)
else (player2.reverse.toArray, player1.toArray)
val start = if (player == 1) position else 5 - position
val playerBank = if (player == 1) bank1 else bank2
if (startSide(start) == 0) throw new IllegalStateException
val seeds = startSide(start)
startSide(start) = 0
val pos = start + 1
// First side pass
val (seedsFirstPass, playerPodsFirstPass) = progress(seeds, pos, startSide)
val (seedsFirstPassAndBank, playerBankFirstPass) = depositInBank(seedsFirstPass, playerBank)
// Move around the other side of the board
val (seedsSecondPass, oppSideSecondPass) = progress(seedsFirstPassAndBank, 0, oppSide)
// Skip the opponent's bank, but keep going if we can
val (seedsThirdPass, playerPodsThirdPass) = progress(seedsSecondPass, 0, playerPodsFirstPass)
// Stop by the bank
val (seedsThirdsPassAndBank, playerBankSecondPass) = depositInBank(seedsThirdPass, playerBankFirstPass)
// Just to be safe
val (seedsFourthPass, oppSideFourthPass) = progress(seedsThirdsPassAndBank, 0, oppSideSecondPass)
// Make our assumption explicit
assert(seedsFourthPass == 0, "Still seeds after fourth pass, did not account for that")
// Construct the new board
if (player == 1)
new Board(playerPodsThirdPass.toVector, playerBankSecondPass, oppSideFourthPass.reverse.toVector, bank2)
new Board(oppSideFourthPass.toVector, bank1, playerPodsThirdPass.reverse.toVector, playerBankSecondPass)
/** Capture pieces from a mancala game
* Pieces from the capturing pod and the opposite pod (same position, other player) are all emptied and moved
* to the capturing player's bank.
* @param player the side (1 or 2) doing the capturing
* @param pos the position doing the capturing
* @return a new mancala board after the capture
def capture(player: Int, pos: Int): Board = {
assert(player1(pos) != 0 && player2(pos) != 0)
val (newBank1, newBank2) =
if (player == 1)
(bank1 + player1(pos) + player2(pos), bank2)
(bank1, bank2 + player1(pos) + player2(pos))
new Board(player1.updated(pos, 0), newBank1, player2.updated(pos, 0), newBank2)
/** Calculate the last pod that will be visited by a move
* @param player the number (1, 2) of the player making the move
* @param pos the index of the move about to be made (always counting from the left)
* @return a tuple (player, pos) that represents the players side and position the last seed will be deposited in.
* A position of 6 represents a player's bank.
def lastPosAfterMove(player: Int, pos: Int): (Int, Int) = {
val seeds = (if (player == 1) player1 else player2)(pos)
val distToBank = if (player == 1) 6 - pos else pos + 1
// Could use a better approach
if (player == 1)
if (seeds < distToBank) (1, pos + seeds)
else if (seeds == distToBank) (1, 6)
else if (seeds <= distToBank + 6) (2, 6 - (seeds - distToBank))
else if (seeds <= distToBank + 12) (1, seeds - distToBank - 7)
else if (seeds == distToBank + 13) (1, 6)
else if (seeds <= distToBank + 19) (2, 19 - (seeds - distToBank))
else { assert(false); (0, 0) }
if (seeds < distToBank) (2, pos - seeds)
else if (seeds == distToBank) (2, 6)
else if (seeds <= distToBank + 6) (1, seeds - distToBank - 1)
else if (seeds <= distToBank + 12) (2, 12 - (seeds - distToBank))
else if (seeds == distToBank + 13) (2, 6)
else if (seeds <= distToBank + 19) (1, seeds - distToBank - 14)
else { assert(false); (0, 0) }
override def toString = {
val p2 = player2.foldLeft("")((a, b) => a + StringContext(" ", " ").f(b)).trim
val p1 = player1.foldLeft("")((a, b) => a + StringContext(" ", " ").f(b)).trim
val layer = "-" * 32
val space = " " * 28
f"""${layer + " "}\n $p2 \n$bank2 ${space} $bank1\n $p1\n${layer}"""
* Board companion object. Used as a factory to create a starting board easily
object Board {
/** Create an initial board */
def apply() = {
val boardSide = Seq(4,4,4,4,4,4)
new Board(boardSide, 0, boardSide, 0)
I am trying to improve the lastPosAfterMove() and the move() functions, to make them more compact and understandable for others and use a better approach
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