jeudi 25 février 2021

Which Design Pattern is suitable for scheduled backup spring-boot application?

Business use case : I have IBM DB2 databases for 3 different domains and 3 environments (dev, QA, Stage). I want to create a spring-boot application which

  1. evokes itself at particular intervals(say every 30 days)
  2. Calls DB2, get data from table, save them in txt file(create new text file each time based on timestamp) and upload that file to azure blob storage, calls DB2 to delete those data.

Example: Domain1 - 10 tables Domain2 - 7 tables Domain3 - 15 tables

On 1st of every month, i want to trigger a backup for all the tables of domain1, domain2 on 10th of every month and domain3 on 15th.

For domain1, I have 10 tables. So DB2 will be called 10 times. 1 text file should contain data for single table only.

Which design pattern should I use? Technology: springboot

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