vendredi 2 octobre 2020

List of all Design Pattern Categories in JavaScript

Following is the list of each and every JS pattern that I could possibly find:

Creational Pattern

  1. Constructor Pattern
  2. Factory Pattern
  3. Prototype Pattern
  4. Singleton Pattern
  5. Abstract Pattern
  6. Builder Pattern


  1. Adapter Pattern
  2. Composite Pattern
  3. Decorator Pattern
  4. Facade Pattern
  5. Flyweight Pattern
  6. Proxy Pattern
  7. Bridge Pattern


  1. Chain of Responsibility Pattern
  2. Command Pattern
  3. Iterator Pattern
  4. Mediator Pattern
  5. Observer Pattern
  6. State Pattern
  7. Strategy Pattern
  8. Template Pattern
  9. Memento Pattern
  10. Visitor Pattern


  1. Active Object
  2. Nuclear React
  3. Scheduler


  1. MVC
  2. MVP
  3. MVVM
  4. MV* Pattern

Now, I cannot find the categories of Module Pattern & Revealing Module Pattern. Can someone help me out with finding correct categories of these patterns. Also, please add any pattern in JavaScript if I missed!


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