dimanche 25 octobre 2020

What is the best pattern for event notification with different arguments?

I'm looking for an alternative pattern to the following (method 1):

public interface IEventListener {
    void onFoo(String string, Integer integer, ObjectB objectB);
    void onBar(Double d, ObjectA objectA);

I'm thinking something like this (method 2):

public interface IEventListener {
    void onEvent(Event event);

public enum EVENT_TYPE {
    FOO, BAR

public abstract class Event {
    EVENT_TYPE type;
    abstract EVENT_TYPE getType();

public class FooEvent extends Event {
    private String string;
    private Integer integer;
    private ObjectB objectB;

    EVENT_TYPE getType() {
        return EVENT_TYPE.FOO;

public class BarEvent extends Event {
    private Double d;
    private ObjectA objectA;

    EVENT_TYPE getType() {
        return EVENT_TYPE.BAR;

But I'm not sure how it is easy to use. To handle the event I need to check the event type and cast the event to the correct one, etc.

Maybe there is no alternative to method 1?

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