jeudi 22 octobre 2020

What's the best way to use a class inside another class when only needed when calling a single method in Swift

I currently have a helper class that helps me get the App information, up until now the class didn't need any dependencies but now I need to use class, AppLaunchCount as shown in the code below. The way I have it now works fine but I feel that that's not the best way to do it.

AppInformation class

class AppInformation{
    func appVersion()->String{
    func operatingSystem()->String{
    func deviceModel()->String{
    func isNewUser()->Bool{
        var newUser:Bool?
        let launchCount = AppLaunchCount()
        if launchCount.count > 1{
            newUser = false
            newUser = true
        return newUser!

AppLaunchCount Class

class AppLaunchCount{
    // counts the app launches

My only guess would be to inject AppLaunchCount as shown in the following code snippet but I don't want to pass AppLaunchCount when checking other stuff like appVersion() etc.

init(launchCount: AppLaunchCount){
    self.launchCount = launchCount

What would be the best approach to use class AppLaunchCount inside AppInformation for when calling the isNewUser() method?

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