mardi 21 avril 2020

Unit test of a singleton accessed as an interface

I have a singleton in my application, but it's published not as a struct directly, but as an interface (because I want to be able to dynamically select the particular implementation upon singleton initialization). Here's the code:

var once sync.Once
var instance defaultConfiguration

type Configuration interface {
    GetFoo() string

type defaultConfiguration struct {

func (dc defaultConfiguration) GetFoo() string {
    return "foo"

func NewConfiguration() Configuration {
    once.Do(func() {
        instance = defaultConfiguration{}
    return instance

Then I decided to write a unit-test that would check that NewConfiguration() will actually return the same instance each time:

func TestNewConfigurationSameInstance(t *testing.T) {
    configuration1 := NewConfiguration()
    configuration2 := NewConfiguration()
    if &configuration1 != &configuration2 {

I thought it would make sense to compare the addresses of the returned instances, however, this test fails.

Then I thought, well, maybe I have to return a pointer to an instance, so I've changed the code to look like this:

func NewConfiguration() *Configuration {
    once.Do(func() {
        instance = defaultConfiguration{}
    return &instance

But this doesn't even compile: it fails with the error message

cannot use &instance (type *defaultConfiguration) as type *Configuration in return argument: *Configuration is pointer to interface, not interface`

And I've got very confused. Why can't I return a pointer to an interface? Or, why returning defaultConfiguration as Configuration is valid, but returning *defaultConfiguration as *Configuration is not?

And, after all, what is the proper unit-test for my use-case?

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