jeudi 30 avril 2020

How to pass the base class on the caller side and accept derived

I have a service that returns the base class response. For sure it has derived responses.

    public class ResponseBase
        public string Response { get; set; }

    public class DerivedResponse : ResponseBase
        public string AdditionalResponse { get; set; }

Here is the service code:

public class SomeService
    public ResponseBase GetResponse() => new DerivedResponse();

Then I need to handle different responses in different ways. Obviously try to get appropriate behavior via 100500 if\elses is not a good solution. And I decide to have One special response handler for each concrete response.

    public interface IHandlerBase<T>
        where T : ResponseBase
        void Handle(T response);

    public class DerivedResponseHandler : IHandlerBase<DerivedResponse>
        public void Handle(DerivedResponse response)


Also, we need to encapsulate behavior which will decide what handler to get in order to handle the concrete response and I think not a bad solution for that will be factory. And I got a problem with that because I don't know what to return since I don't know compile-time derived type:

    public class HandlerFactory {
        public IHandlerBase<> /*WHAT RETURN HERE*/ CreateHandler(ResponseBase response)
            //decide the derived type of the 'response' and return appropriate handler

For sure we can remove generic parameter, accept base class in all handlers, then convert to special in the concrete handlers, but I don't think it is a good solution. So could you please advise how to do that in a clean way, maybe some patterns or solutions?

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