vendredi 10 avril 2020

I need regex to validate a pattern

I need regex to validate a pattern, pattern can be combination of following list,

yyyy : current year

yy : last 2 digits of current year

MM : current month

dd : current day

HH : current hour

mm : current minute

ss : current second

fff : current milisecond

ff : current 1/100th of second

R : random digits


Minimum 16 and maximum 20 characters can be allowed.

We should be able to add fix characters only in capitals(e.g. 'yyyyAAddmmss' here AA is fix value)

We should escape a fix character(e.g. \R, then R is not replaced)

only HMR characters should be allowed to escape like '\H' or '\M' or '\R' as this characters are in the pattern.

Pattern should contains minimum 4 random digits (e.g. yyRMMRddRHHRmmRss)

It should allow digits 0-9

It should not allow special characters.

Example of such valid pattern:






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