vendredi 10 avril 2020

Best practice confirm data changes of second perosn

I'm looking for the best practice/ design pattern to permit changes on data in a database.

The requirement is that a person A want to update some data. For example email, address or company name. All the changes from person A are not visible on the webpage until Person B check these changes and confirm that. The data are stored in a database. My question is now what is the best practice/ design pattern for the database? Duplicate the database and copy the data by commit to the other? Only one database and copy the whole dataset with the changed value and tag in that extra column(has to check).

I tried to find something with Google, but I think I don't use the right buzzwords.

My only buzzword was four eyes principal and a solution was workflow engine like camunda or to use dms or ecm.

There has to be simple solution for that problem or is that problem so uncommon?

Thanks for help.

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