mercredi 11 mars 2020

Which you think is better ? Vue ui design

Context: App that handles multi role. A view that in the template has a lot of conditioned rendering.

a) It is better to have a lot of conditioned rendering on the of a single view ?

b) Have a view for each role and condition it accordingly ?

If I choose option a) I would only have one component with the template very conditioned. I would avoid repeating code, but it would be difficult to maintain and scale if tomorrow I want to add 10 more roles.

If I choose option b) I would be keeping the code readable, maintainable, easy to scale. But I would be repeating a lot of code.

Personally I would choose option b) and sacrifice the time to write more code but that keep the project tidy up.

What do you think ? Another alternative to handle this scenario will be appreciated. Regards!

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