vendredi 27 décembre 2019

What approach to take to make my code more generic Java/ Spring?

In a SpringBoot application I have a service (in the Spring sense) that calls clients that themselves consume RestFul web services by calling a function that is identical to createXXX except that the nature of the object changes at the input of the method. To simplify, let's suppose that I model the creation of animals: with the objects CatDTO, DogDTO, HorseDTO as input of the web services. AnimaslDTO is an object composed of different types of animals (there is no inheritance relationship).

I make the three clients in the same manner let's take the cat's example

package com.animals.client;
import ...

public class CatClient {

    private static final String CODE_WS_CREATE_CAT = "createCat";
     * Call RestFul WS for Cat Creation
     * @param catDTO
    public ResponseEntity<String> createCat(CatDTO catDTO)
        // ... Call a RestFul WS in the same manner for each animal. Only the parameter change in each client
        // --> ie dogDTO in DogClient.createDog, HorseDTO in HorseClient.createHorse,

In AnimalService implemented by AnimalServiceImpl I try to create the three animals Here is the code

package com.animals.service.impl;

import ...

public class AnimalServiceImpl implements AnimalService {

    private CatClient catClient;

    private DogClient dogClient;

    private HorseClient horseClient;

    public ResponseEntity<String> createAnimals(AnimalsDTO animalsDTO) {

I want to know how to generify my clients in Spring or Java for the methods which are very similar as createXXX . What design pattern can I use ? What I've tried is to use Java generics but it doesn't fit well with Spring. I've tried to create a AnimalClient(T) class where T is the animal but I have problems in autowiring constructor with one argument.

Thanks by advance

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