dimanche 24 novembre 2019

How to correctly implement State Pattern?

  1. An Account could have various states such as Frozen, Active, NotVerified, Closed.
  2. And Account could perform following actions: Deposit(), Withdraw(), HolderVerified(), Close(), Freeze()
  3. These implementation of these actions could vary depending on current state of the account.

Below is my way of tackling the above scenario. However, what if we have a situation where we have to :

Deduct 10 percent of the deposit when the deposit is made when current state of the account is Frozen?


    class Account
        public decimal Balance { get; private set; }

        private IAccountState State { get; set; }

        public Account(Action onUnfreeze)
            this.State = new NotVerified(onUnfreeze);

        public void Deposit(decimal amount)
            this.State = this.State.Deposit(() => { this.Balance += amount; });

        public void Withdraw(decimal amount)
            this.State = this.State.Withdraw(() => { this.Balance -= amount; });

        public void HolderVerified()
            this.State = this.State.HolderVerified();

        public void Close()
            this.State = this.State.Close();

        public void Freeze()
            this.State = this.State.Freeze();


interface IAccountState
        IAccountState Deposit(Action addToBalance);
        IAccountState Withdraw(Action substractFromBalance);
        IAccountState Freeze();
        IAccountState HolderVerified();
        IAccountState Close();


Concrete Implementation of IAccountState


class Active : IAccountState { private Action OnUnfreeze { get; } public Active(Action onUnfreeze) { OnUnfreeze = onUnfreeze; }

    public IAccountState Deposit(Action addToBalance)
        return this;

public IAccountState Withdraw(Action substractFromBalance)
    return this;

public IAccountState HolderVerified() => this;
public IAccountState Freeze() => new Frozen(this.OnUnfreeze);
public IAccountState Close() => new Closed();



class NotVerified : IAccountState
        public Action OnUnfreeze { get; }
        public NotVerified(Action onUnfreeze)
            this.OnUnfreeze = onUnfreeze;
        public IAccountState Close() => new Closed();

        public IAccountState Deposit(Action addToBalance)
            return this;

        public IAccountState Freeze() => this;

        public IAccountState HolderVerified() => new Active(this.OnUnfreeze);

        public IAccountState Withdraw(Action substractFromBalance) => this;

How will you deal with the situation when you have to deduct 10 percent of the deposit when current state of the account is Frozen?

I am not sure how to modify Deposit method in NotVerified class to meet the requirement :

 public IAccountState Deposit(Action addToBalance)
    return this;

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