mardi 26 novembre 2019

Background processing Task - Rails

I have a Rails Application (5.2.3).

There is a Model called Invoice.

The User can import Invoices through a view, uploading a XML file.

Now, the stakeholders are asking to have a mailbox where any User could send XML files, and the files will be automatically uploaded to the system.

The System is currently running on AWS, so a just created rule in the SES (SIMPLE EMAIL SERVICE) for a mailbox to save all the messages in a S3 Bucket, to be parsed lather.

I could just do a plain script with everything(get files from S3, extract XML, Create Invoice) and schedule a runner. However, what is the Rails way for this kind of situation?

I read about Service Objects, but I'm not sure if it's the best place to have this task.

Thank you

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