vendredi 29 novembre 2019

Design pattern suggestion to perform pipeline operation

Problem statement: I have to process request similar to a pipeline.
For example:
When a request comes, it has to undergo a sequence of operations, like (step1,step2,step3...).
So, in order to achieve that, I am using Template design pattern.

Please review and suggest if I am implementing this problem correctly, or there is a better solution.
I am suspecting my approach will introduce code smells, as I am changing values of objects very frequently.

Also, suggest if I & how can I use Java 8 to accomplish this?




import java.util.List;

public abstract class Template {

private Step1 step1;

private Step2 step2;

private Save save;

List<String> stepOutput = null;

List<String> stepOutputTwo = null;

List<String> stepOutputThree = null;

public void step1(String action1) {
    stepOutput = step1.method(action1);

public void step2(String action2) {
    stepOutputTwo = step2.method(stepOutput, action2);

abstract public void step3();

public void save() {

final public void run(String action1, String action2) {
    stepOutputTwo = step3();


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