mercredi 11 septembre 2019

good design pattern for multifaceted iterator?

[Apologies if this question seems opinionated or discussionworthy.]

I have a class which, although not a collection class per se, does contain an arbitrary number of elements which are primarily constructed via an 'append' method:

append(TypeA thingA, TypeB thingB, TypeC thingC);

Significantly, there is not an auxiliary struct or class anywhere tying together a triple of (thingA, thingB, thingC), nor has one been needed so far -- the class works fine as-is.

Today I decided I needed an iterator for this class, that could return all the things I'd added to it, almost as if it were a collection, after all. The question is, what's the best way to return thingA, thingB, and thingC?

I could belatedly define an auxiliary tuple struct, just so that the iterator could return instances of it. But this seemed a little odd.

What I implemented instead was something along the lines of

class FunnyCollectionIter {
    FunnyCollection* _ctx;
    unsigned int _i;


    const TypeA& thingA() const;
    const TypeB& thingB() const;
    const TypeC& thingC() const;

    FunnyCollectionIter& operator=(const FunnyCollectionIter &rhs);
    FunnyCollectionIter& operator++();
    bool operator==(const FunnyCollectionIter &rhs) const;
    // ...

And I'm using it with code like this:

FunnyCollectionIter it;
for(it = funnycollection.begin(); it != funnycollection.end(); ++it) {
    // now do things with it.thingA(), it.thingB(), and it.thingC()        

But this seems a little odd, too. Normally (in the STL, at least) you access an iterator either using *, or ->first and ->second. But in the scheme I've implemented, there's no *, no ->, no first and second (let alone third?), and the interesting names thingA, thingB, and thingC are methods to invoke, not members to access.

So my question is, is this a poor way to construct an iterator in this situation, and is there a better way?

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