samedi 14 septembre 2019

Can a [GoF]-subject override the notify method?

I'm modelling a situation in wich there are:

  • NotificationBox: the observer
  • list1, list2, list3: the subjects

now I would make a piece of diagram in wich using observer pattern describe the fact that each list implement different type of notify() (for example some change in the state of a list need to be notified only to some observer, with some criterion)

I made something like:


in this case each subject override the notify method in order to notify only some subset of observer depend on some criterion, and for using the correct update method.


ListaMDDpubblico is a list composed by some file, each file have a specific tag. When a file is loaded, only the notificationBox associated at the user that "like" the tag of the file should be notified by using updateMDD.

It is [GoF]-friendly?

Or I need to make 3 different Subject abstract class, each implement the notify method in the list-way?

Thank's in advance

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