jeudi 30 mai 2019

implement pattern desing FACTORY

I have this code in which I think two types of participants, the code becomes very long and I think I can apply the FACTORY pattern, but it is not implemented, should I create a class of specific classes "ParticipantOWner" and "ParticipantNormal"?

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I want to create those classes based on that image of FACTORY PATTERNS, in the category that there are specific classes LusuryCar, SmallCar and SedanCar

 public Meet createRelacion(Long idOwner, Long idUser) {
            Meet currentMeet = new Meet();
            Bet bet = new Bet();
            currentMeet.setName(Math.random() + "");

            User user = userRepository.findById(idUser);
            User owner = userRepository.findById(idOwner);

            Bet betParticipant = new Bet();
    ///////////////////   PRIMER PARTICIPANTE/////////////////
            Participant participant = new Participant();    //
            participant.setRol(Rol.NORMAL);            //
            participant.setMeet(currentMeet);               //
            participant.setUser(user);                      //
            participant.setBet(betParticipant);             //
    ///////////////////   SEGUNDO PARTICIPANTE//////////////////
            Participant participantOwner = new Participant();///
            participantOwner.setMeet(currentMeet);           /// 
            participantOwner.setRol(Rol.OWNER);              ///
            participantOwner.setUser(owner);                 ///
            return currentMeet;

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