jeudi 23 mai 2019

Builder pattern for unit tests exposing properties to internal dependencies

I am using the builder pattern in my unit tests and I have come to a situation where I need to verify the behavior (with Moq verify) of a dependency that leaves inside the the builder.

The way I designed the builder, this dependency is hidden in the builder class for easier object creation. However, now my test method cannot access the mocked object for verification.

I thought about two different approaches, but not sure what would be the most common used in builder pattern:

Option 1: Expose mocks as a builder property.

var equipment = equipmentBuilder


equipmentBuilder.DeviceStubs.ElementAt(0).Verify(v => v.Method(), Times.Once);

or inject dependencies on the builder methods

var deviceStub = new Mock<Device>();

var equipment = equipmentBuilder

deviceStub.Verify(v => v.Method(), Times.Once);

For me the second approach looks more robust with things more isolated. However, the construction of the equipment objects will have more code. In case I have several test methods, this will be a lot of extra code.

What would you do? A third option maybe...


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