mercredi 24 avril 2019

To what extent does Angular/Typescript impose the rules of SOLID?

Just how reusable are components? Do the rules of SOLID apply for medium-sized applications? In my opinion, it would seem like some rules of SOLID apply for various providers such as services, and maybe one component or two. However, for a small-medium sized application, is it supposed to reuse many, many components?

For example, say you wanted to make a ngForOf loop. Given the circumstance, would you create a component that receives this input and displays the data in its given order, and re-use this component the 2-3 times its usability is reproducible? (This is probably a bad example, not even sure if this is possible in place)

How does this connect with software programs? What are the differences between SOLID in Angular/Typescript in comparison to software?

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