lundi 29 avril 2019

How can I write a general method that does not involve method logic in the name to accommodate various algorithms in Java?

I am designing an interface between a Java application and a device that accepts command sequences (a series of bytes) over a secure shell channel.

For the purpose of simplicity, there are fields

  1. fieldAlpha
  2. fieldBeta ...
  3. fieldn

that I can get and set on this device.

The command sequence is created out of a StringBuilder object, which consists of a

  • prefix
  • payload (if setter)
  • suffix

After writing about 20 of these, I figured there MUST be a more maintainable way to handle this.

public String getFieldAlpha() {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.append((char) 0x1B).append("ABC").append("DEF").append((char) 0x0D);
    byte[] command = sb.toString().getBytes();
    String response = (sendMessage(command));
    return response;

public String setFieldAlpha(String alpha) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.append((char) 0x1B).append("ABC*").append(alpha).append("DEF").append((char) 0x0D);
    byte[] command = sb.toString().getBytes();
    String response = (sendMessage(command));
    return response;

public String getFieldBeta() {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.append((char) 0x1B).append("OPQ").append("RST").append((char) 0x0D);
    byte[] command = sb.toString().getBytes();
    String response = (sendMessage(command));
    return response;

public String setFieldBeta(String beta) {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    sb.append((char) 0x1B).append("OPQ*").append(beta).append("RST").append((char) 0x0D);
    byte[] command = sb.toString().getBytes();
    String response = (sendMessage(command));
    return response;

// ... and so forth

I suspect a better design for an API would be two methods that select functions based on parameters. I am hung up on the fact that the command sequence changes depending on the field.

  1. getField()
  2. setField(Method FieldName, String value)

Or is there an even better way I am not thinking about? I looked possibly using Enum Objects to set the prefix and suffix of field command sequences.

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