mardi 19 mars 2019

create singleTon class using std::call_once

The following code is an implementation of an alternative singleTon class that uses std::call_once in C++11. Basically, the variable static_instance is declared statically along with static_flag, and once calling getInstance function which is also static function i create the first and only instance of mySingle using call_once.

I'd be happy to hear for any comments regarding code correctness in terms of thread safety, and whether its behavior differ from the standard c++ implementation of defining static variable inside getinstance.


class mySingle
    static mySingle *static_instance;
    static std::once_flag static_flag;

    virtual ~mySingle();
    static mySingle* getInstance();


#include "mySingle.h"

mySingle * mySingle::static_instance;
std::once_flag mySingle::static_flag;


mySingle* mySingle::getInstance()
    std::call_once(g_flag, [&]() { static_instance = new mySingle(); });
    return (mySingle*) static_instance;

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