lundi 23 juillet 2018

Removing dependency from a method

I'm currently in the middle of learning DI & IoC principles. So, I stumbled upon such scenario where I have a method with a dependency that can not be injected via constructor. Also, I can not pass it as a method parameter because creation of that instance is conditional + it can only be instanciated with parameters of its own. Here is a super-simplified version of my Employee and WorkYear classes:

public abstract class Employee
    public List<WorkYear> WorkYears { get; set; }

    public void StartWorking(DateTime joinedCompany)
        List<PayPeriod> periods = // Calculating periods...
        WorkYear year = WorkYears.FirstOrDefault(y => y.CurrentYear == joinedCompany.Year);

        if (year == null)
            // Here is the problem:
            year = new WorkYear(joinedCompany.Year, this, periods);

            // Logic when year not null


    // More code...

public class WorkYear  
    public WorkYear(int currentYear, Employee employee, List<PayPeriod> periods)
        Employee = employee;
        EmployeeId = employee.Id;
        CurrentYear = currentYear;
        PayPeriods = periods ?? new List<PayPeriod>();

        foreach (PayPeriod period in PayPeriods)
            period.WorkYear = this;
            period.WorkYearId = Id;

     // More code...

As you can see I only need a new instance of a WorkYear if Employee doesn't already have it. I found a thread that suggested to use simple factory class to solve similar issue. Such solution could work, but how do I handle parameters without which the WorkYear can not be instantiated?

Would be great to see an example of how to approach this problem.

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