lundi 30 juillet 2018

Best way to integrate pattern library in a CMS based web application?

Quick brief: Our UI designers team have used Pattern Library as a framework and designed the modules in terms of atoms, molecules etc. using mustache templates and json files as data.

We are planning to integrate the pattern library code-base to our solution (ASP.NET MVC and Sitecore CMS based) using following two options:

  1. Normal workflow: Pre-compile the pattern library code-base (mustache templates) using NPM and generate the compiled HTML templates. Further, use this generated HTML into our Razor Views and integrate the data points (JSON or Model properties).

  2. Automated workflow: Integrate pattern library code-base in our solution (by copy-paste all of the required templates). Then refer these templates path under our Razor views (similar to handlebars) and have a run-time compile mechanism where data will be provided by the MVC controller as a JSON format. I'm not sure if this approach is feasible but thinking about this only with the benefit of managing all the UI logic at one place.

Can anyone help and suggest what would be the best solution while integrating pattern library (front-end) with a web-application?


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