jeudi 31 mai 2018

How can I get turtle id (myself who) Inside the ask turtle context?

I just started using NetLogo and I'm trying to transition away from OOP, so I apologize if my coding paradigm is the source of my issue.


Inside an ask turtle procedure I want each turtle to call a method passing itself to it as a parameter. I get en error: Expected a number rather than a list or block.

Attempts to solve the problem

ask turtles [
    setxy ( mean [pxcor] of my-territory ) ( mean [pycor] of my-territory )
    show my-territory
    report-status-and-split turtle [[who] of myself]

and i'm using it as:

report-status-and-split [reporting-turtle]
  create-turtles 1 [
    set color red
    if reporting-turtle != nobody
      [ create-link-with reporting-turtle [ set color green ]
        move-to reporting-turtle
        fd 8

I have also tried: report-status-and-split [who myself] and report-status-and-split [myself [who]]. All have an error of Expected a literal.

So instead of using who, if I try to just pass myself as a parameter I get:

You can't use REPORT-STATUS-AND-SPLIT in a turtle context, because REPORT-STATUS-AND-SPLIT is observer-only.

I'm sure my issue is simple.

How can I properly use who with turles inside the ask-turtle context?

Or how can rethink my approach to follow Netlogo's coding practices?

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