I'm having trouble building an abstract interface for multiple communication types that have different settings to connect. I would like to be able to use a factory of some sort to instantiate one of the communication types (usb, serial, tcp) with their appropriate connection arguments without branching this off into a bunch of if statements everywhere to check the type and to use a single interface to control all the interaction with the specified communication type.
Some code below to help illustrate my problem:
public interface ITransport : IDisposable
event EventHandler Connected;
event EventHandler Disconnected;
event EventHandler<byte[]> SentData;
event EventHandler<byte[]> ReceivedData;
event EventHandler<string> ErrorOccurred;
event HostCertificateReceivedDelegate HostValidation;
Task<bool> ConnectAsync(TransportConnectionArgs connectionArgs);
Task<bool> SendAsync(byte[] buffer);
void Disconnect();
public class TransportConnectionArgs
public static readonly TransportConnectionArgs Empty = new TransportConnectionArgs();
protected TransportConnectionArgs() { }
public class SshTransportConnectionArgs : TransportConnectionArgs
public string Host { get; }
public int Port { get; }
public string Username { get; }
public string Password { get; }
public SshTransportConnectionArgs(string host, int port, string username = "root", string password = "")
Host = host;
Port = port;
Username = username;
Password = password;
public class SerialTransportConnectionArgs : TransportConnectionArgs
... does not need password but needs com port, baud, etc...
public class UsbTransportConnectionArgs : TransportConnectionArgs
... does not need address or port or serial connection settings
public sealed class SshDebugClient : ITransport
public async Task<bool> ConnectAsync(SshTransportConnectionArgs connectionArgs)
... access properties specific to a regular TCP connection
public sealed class SerialDebugClient : ITransport
public async Task<bool> ConnectAsync(SerialTransportConnectionArgs connectionArgs)
... access properties specific to a regular serial/COM connection
public sealed class UsbDebugClient : ITransport
public async Task<bool> ConnectAsync(UsbTransportConnectionArgs connectionArgs)
... access properties specific to a regular USB connection
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