lundi 23 avril 2018

What are the names of these design patterns and their use cases?

Suppose the following simple Object class:

class Object

    // Sets the name of this object
    void setName(const std::string &name);

    Uuid id;
    std::string name;

We can encapsulate it using the following design patterns:

Design Pattern 1

class ObjectManager

    // Creates and stores an object, returning an unique id
    Uuid createObject();

    // Sets the name of object specified by id to name
    void setObjectName(Uuid id, const std::string &name);

    std::vector<Object> objects_;

This pattern completely encapsulates the concept of Object. It provides calling code with identifier handles that can be used with an interface to manipulate the created objects.

Design Pattern 1 - Usage

 Uuid id = manager.createObject();
 manager.setName(id, "Hello World");

Design Pattern 2

class ObjectManager

    // Adds object to this manager (creates copy for example, could use shared_ptr)
    void addObject(const Object &object);

    std::vector<Object> objects_;

This pattern puts the onus on calling code to create the object, modify it and then add it to the manager.

Design Pattern 2 - Usage

 Object object;
 object.setName("Hello World");



  1. What are the names of these two design patterns?
  2. What are the pros and cons of each pattern?
  3. When should a programmer prefer one over the other?

Note: Please excuse the ambiguous title, I will update it once I have more information on the patterns to better represent the question.

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