vendredi 20 avril 2018

Java Simple Factory with constructors using different parameters

I have two ways of saving data in my application: save to database and save to file. Since I don't want client code dealing with construction of objects I created a class that (to my understanding) is simple factory with a factory method. Code below:

public static DataPersister createDataPersister(Boolean saveToDb, Session session, String filename) {
    if (saveToDb) {
        return new DatabaseDataPersister(session);
    } else {
        return new FileDataPersister(filename);

With this setup client code doesn't have to deal with constructing anything or deciding whether to save to DB or file - it can just call a save() method on an object returned by the factory like so:

DataPersister dataPersister = DataPersisterSimpleFactory.createDataPersister(this.savetoDb, this.session, this.filename);;

My question is - is this solution breaking SOLID principles? In order to create e.g. a DatabaseDataPersister client code needs to pass on a filename parameter, and this implementation of DataPersister won't have any use of it. I feel like it doesn't sit right with something similar to Interface-segregation principle but not quite that.

And if the solution is indeed a code smell - how do I go about cleaning it?

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