vendredi 27 avril 2018

Cover with unit test WebRequest c#

public void HandleRequest(WebhookModel model)
        var strRequest = "cmd=_notify-validate&" + ipnContext.RequestBody;
        var webRequest = FormRequest(strRequest);
        var requestStream = _webRequestWrapper.GetRequestStream();
        var responseStream = _webRequestWrapper.GetResponse().GetResponseStream();

            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream))
                model.Verification = reader.ReadToEnd();


private WebRequest FormRequest(string strRequest)
            var webRequest = WebRequest.Create("some url is over here");

            webRequest.Method = "POST";
            webRequest.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
            webRequest.ContentLength = strRequest.Length;

            return webRequest;

Where _webrequestWrapper just a wrapper around WebRequest class. So, my question is how i can mock _webRequestWrapper.GetResponse().GetResponseStream()? The problem is that there is no problems with mocking GetResponse() cause of we create for it wrapper around WebRequest. But the problem is with GetReponseStream, because it returns a Strem object, how i can test HandleRequest() method? I really haven't any ideas about it. Please help me. Thanks

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