lundi 19 décembre 2016

Validate the inputs and perform actions accordingly

I have two proceses on which I need to validate on few fields.

  • For ProcessA class, I need to validate on few fields. Basis on those fields I will validate this class.
  • For ProcessB class, I need to validate on different fields. And if those fields are valid, then I will validate this class.

Both my processes should pass GenericRecord to Validator class and now depending on whether it is ProcessA or ProcessB, my Validator class should validate those fields.

  • For ProcessA, I need to validate on clientId, deviceId, payId.
  • For ProcessB, I need to validate on crossId, maxId, minId.

I am able to make it work for ProcessA but I am confuse how does my Validator class will look like for ProcessB fields validation. Confusion is how does Validator class decide that I need to validate fields for ProcessA or ProcessB as soon as it receives GenericRecord in the constructor.


try {
  GenericRecordDomainDataDecoder decoder = new GenericRecordDomainDataDecoder(config);
  while (true) {
    ConsumerRecords<byte[], byte[]> records = consumer.poll(1000);
    for (ConsumerRecord<byte[], byte[]> record : records) {
      GenericRecord payload = decoder.decode(record.value());
      String processName = "processA";
      // validation logic
      Validator validation = new Validator(payload);

      // some other code
} catch (Exception ex) {
  // logging error


try {
  GenericRecordDomainDataDecoder decoder = new GenericRecordDomainDataDecoder(config);
  while (true) {
    ConsumerRecords<byte[], byte[]> records = consumer.poll(1000);
    for (ConsumerRecord<byte[], byte[]> record : records) {
      GenericRecord payload = decoder.decode(record.value());
      String processName = "processB";
      // validation logic
      Validator validation = new Validator(payload);

      // some other code
} catch (Exception ex) {
  // logging error

Below is my Validator class which only works right now for ProcessA validation. I have added another constructor which I know doesn't work but just wanted to show what I want to do for ProcessB. And then I need to call isValid method that will tell me whether fields for ProcessB are present or not.

public class Validator {
  private String clientId, deviceId, payId;

  // for ProcessA
  public Validator(GenericRecord payload) {
    clientId = (String) DataUtils.parseRecord(payload, "clientId");
    deviceId = (String) DataUtils.parseRecord(payload, "deviceId");
    payId = (String) DataUtils.parseRecord(payload, "payId");

  // for ProcessB, I know this doesn't work - just wanted to show the idea
  public Validator(GenericRecord payload) {
    crossId = (String) DataUtils.parseRecord(payload, "crossId");
    maxId = (String) DataUtils.parseRecord(payload, "maxId");
    minId = (String) DataUtils.parseRecord(payload, "minId");

  // this is what I am calling for ProcessA
  public boolean isValid() {
    return isValidClientIdDeviceId() && isValidPayId();

  private boolean isValidPayId() {
    if (payId == null) {
      logger.log("invalid payId.");
      return false;
    return true;

  private boolean isValidClientIdDeviceId() {
    if (clientId == null && deviceId == null) {
      logger.log("invalid clientId and deviceId.");
      return false;
    return true;

  // getters

I can pass another parameter processName which is a String to Validator class. Can we use that to achieve this to validate fields accordingly.

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