mercredi 21 décembre 2016

Preserve Hibernate Lazy loading in data transfer object design pattern

I usually work on 3-tier applications using Hibernate in the persistence layer and I take care to not use the domain model classes in the presentation layer. This is why I use the DTO (Data Transfer Object) design pattern.

But I always have a dilemma in my entity-dto mapping. Whether I lose the lazy loading benefict, or I create complexity in the code by introducing filters to call or not the domain model getters.

Example : Consider a DTO UserDto that corresponds to the entity User

public UserDto toDto(User entity, OptionList... optionList) {

        if (entity == null) {
            return null;

        UserDto userDto = new UserDto();

        if (optionList.length == 0 || optionList[0].contains(User.class, UserOptionList.AUTHORIZATION)) {
            IGenericEntityDtoConverter<Authorization, AuthorizationDto> authorizationConverter = converterRegistry.getConverter(Authorization.class);

            List<AuthorizationDto> authorizations = new ArrayList<>(authorizationConverter.toListDto(entity.getAuthorizations(), optionList));


OptionList is used to filter the mapping and map just what is wanted.

Although the last solution allow lazy loading but it's very heavy because the optionList must be specified in the service layer.

Is there any better solution to preserve lazy loading in a DTO design pattern ?

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