samedi 25 juin 2016

What kind of javascript design pattern was used in facebook website?

I've trying to study with Javascript design patterns to improve my practice but I simply confused with all kind of those patterns special I found a style which was used in facebook script (study) it simple and may be easy to use if I've much understand about those design patterns so I would like to ask all expert here about the kind of patterns that facebook used with the Javascript library (react js)as below code

    ['getElementPosition', 'getElementRect', 'getUnboundedScrollPosition',
    'shallowEqual', 'throttle'],
    function a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) {
    'use strict';
    var j = c('UFIConstants').UFIFeedbackSourceType,
        k = c('UFIConstants').UFIStatus,
        l = c('React').PropTypes,
        m = c('React').createElement('div', {className: "UFICommentsLoadingSpinnerContainer _48pi UFIRow"},
            c('React').createElement(c('XUISpinner.react'), {size: 'large'})),
        n = c('React').createElement('div', {
            className: "_xtv",
            role: 'presentation'
        }, c('React').createElement('i', null)), o = c('React').createClass({
            displayName: 'StaticUFI',
            contextTypes: {dispatch: l.func},
            getInitialState: function () {
                var p = this.props.focusReply;
                return {focusReply: p, viewerHasClickedCommentComposer: false, viewerHasClickedSeeMore: false};
            getDefaultProps: function () {
                return {
                    commentIDToFocusOnMount: null,
                    focusReply: null,
                    canReplyMap: {},
                    isActiveLoading: {},
                    repliesExpandedMap: {},
                    hasPagedToplevel: false,
                    viewerHasInteractedWithComments: false,
                    loadingSpamIDs: {}
            componentDidMount: function () {
                c('Arbiter').inform('UFI/displayDone-' + this.props.contextArgs.instanceid);
                if ( && {
                    var p = c('throttle')(this.loadMoreComments, 20);
                    this._scrollEventListener = c('Event').listen(window, 'scroll', p);
                    this._resizeEventListener = c('Event').listen(window, 'resize', p);
                if (c('BlueBar').hasFixedBlueBar())this.setState({oldBoundingClientRect: c('getElementRect')(c('ReactDOM').findDOMNode(this))});
            loadMoreComments: function () {
                if (this.isMounted() && this.refs.topLevelBottomPager && !(this.props.contextArgs.ftentidentifier in this.props.isActiveLoading)) {
                    var p = c('ReactDOM').findDOMNode(this.refs.topLevelBottomPager),
                        q = c('getUnboundedScrollPosition')(window).y,
                        r = q + document.documentElement.clientHeight + c('UFIConstants').infiniteScrollRangeForQANDAPermalinks;
                    if (p.offsetHeight && p.offsetTop < r)this.refs.topLevelBottomPager.props.onPagerClick();
    f.exports = o;
}, null);

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