jeudi 3 mars 2016

RESTful, container-Item pattern in netbeans

From Netbeans documentation:

The Container-Item pattern is typically used for representing resources that have relationships, such as a database. We use this pattern to generate code from JPA entity classes. This “plain” Container-Item pattern lets you create an item resource using the POST method. The URI for the newly created item resource is determined by the container resource. The Client-Controlled Container-Item pattern is a slight variation. The difference is that there is no POST method on the container resource class for creating item resources. Instead, item resources are created using PUT on the item resource class. It’s called Client-Controlled because the URI for the item resource is determined by the client and not by the container resource. Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3) uses the Client-Controlled Container-Item pattern.

I can't find any example of usage for this specific pattern around.

Can someone provide working code about a simple example and how I can test it?

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