lundi 28 mars 2016

c# method looks very redundant what can i do to fix it design pattern , method?

I have this method in C# that looks like I should really refactor it . Should I use a design pattern ? Too much repetition is what I see NOW and especially as MORE conditional if statements get added

Change to a method?

public void CreateOrUpdateReportDefinition(ReportGroupSubReport reportGroupSubReport, bool isNew, int report)

        if (report == 1)
            var entity = _envyUnitOfWork.ReportDefinitions.GetById(reportGroupSubReport.Id) ?? new ReportDefinition();
            if (isNew)

            _envyUnitOfWork.ReportDefinitions.InsertOrUpdate(entity, true);
        else if (report == 2)
            var entity = _envyUnitOfWork.TraxReports.GetById(reportGroupSubReport.Id) ?? new TraxReport();

            if (isNew)

            _envyUnitOfWork.TraxReports.InsertOrUpdate(entity, true);


        Mapper.Map(reportGroupSubReport, entity);


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