vendredi 19 février 2016

Build Object step by step obligatorily

i need to create objects following an sequence of rules

public class MyClass {
    private Double field1;
    private Integer field2;
    private Double fiels3;
    //getters setters

I need to calculate first field1:

MyClass object = new MyClass();
object.setField1(OtherClass.calculateField1(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3));

Than calculate field2, but field1 must be calculated before, because to calculate the second field2 need field1 to be done:

MyClass object = new MyClass();
object.setField1(OtherClass.getField2(object, parameter4, parameter5));

For set field3 i need the field2 and field1 calculated, and so on

How force who is creating the object MyClass to follow this sequence o creation? A Chain of resposability can help me?

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