I have a queue that I'm pushing messages to. The messages have a unique integer ID. I basically have something that looks like this:
#Message handlers
def noOperation():
print "Do nothing"
def msgHandler1():
print "Handling message with ID = 1"
def msgHandler2():
print "Handling message with ID = 2"
#Message lookup table
lookupTable = {
0: noOperation,
1: msgHandler1,
2: msgHandler2
#Message processing
while threadActive:
message = buffer.get(block=True)
if message:
My question is: Is there a more efficient way to do this sort of thing? If I have a few dozen message types, then my lookup table is going to get pretty big. Maybe this isn't really a problem - I'm not sure...it just somehow feels wrong to be creating this big table that maps to dozens of message handler methods. Is this sort of thing a well known problem with a well-defined solution? Are there any patterns that touch on this?
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