mercredi 25 novembre 2015

Node.js filling child object with data from parent object (inheritance using util.inherits)

let's say that I've got a parent (let's say base) object, and a child object that's an extended version of base one.

I'll use sample code from Here we have the parent:

function Animal() {

  var walked = false

  function walk() {
    walked = true

  function hasBeenWalked() {
    return walked

  return {
    walk: walk
  , hasBeenWalked: hasBeenWalked
module.exports = Animal

and the child:

var Animal = require('./animall')

function Cat() {
  var cat = {}
  var walked = false

  cat.__proto__ = Animal()

  cat.pat = function pat() {
    console.log('being patted')

  cat.lasagna = function lasagna() {
    walked = true

  return cat

module.exports = Cat

It works great if you don't have any parameter in constructors, but let's say that we've an Animal(color,size) and a Cat(name).

Is there a simple way to get a Cat('Garfield') filled with data from already existing Animal('orange','big')? I would like to make some kind of factory from Animal that creates a lot of Cats with different names. How can I do that?

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