vendredi 20 novembre 2015

Trait location in bundle Symfony 2 project

I have a design doubt about Symfony 2. The fact is I want to use a trait into a bundle of mine but I am not sure where to locate the trait. It is not a controller, it is not a model or entity.

I have a solutions on mind but I am not sure if it follows the best practice. The idea is create a new folder called /Trait. It is correct?

├─ AcmeBlogBundle.php
├─ Controller/
├─ Entity/
├─ Trait/ <- My thought
├─ Resources/
│   ├─ config/
│   ├─ doc/
│   │  └─ index.rst
│   ├─ translations/
│   ├─ views/
│   └─ public/
└─ Tests/

Thank you very much

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