dimanche 2 août 2015

Resource-View-Presenter in Meteor

In my quest for best practices with Meteor, I am running out of aspirin. I like to develop applications with some awareness - and MVC for example has been quite helpful to get on track with Rails. With Meteor, various books state different kind of patterns. Some say 'its MVC on various levels', others go for 'MVVM' or 'MVP'. And every time, I get convinced. And I stumble upon Resource View Presenter, which is apparently something that can be applied to reactive programming in Meteor - with as leading arguments

  • the usage of isomorphic javascript
  • the patterns MVC, MVVM and MVP are not targeting realtime frameworks

As I couldn't find a Wikipage about Resource-View-Presenter, I wonder if it is really a different pattern that is adopted for a platform as Meteor or just some fanfiction, that just as easily can be called MVVM or MVP? The fact that I can't find a RVP tag here makes me doubt its existence (and its arguments).

Resource: http://ift.tt/1ISHdju

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