jeudi 27 août 2015

Multiple JPanel or JFrame with MVC

I have read a number of articles/explanations on implementing MVC (Model View Controller) design pattern with Java such as:

GUI not working after rewriting to MVC

and have visited several few more (including those in SO).

I am clear on what was explained in those links. However how should we implement a MVC when we have several JPanels/JFrames? So let say I want to implement a program which may display several JFrames at the same time.

Question: Should we try to only have 3 classes (Model, View, Controller) despite having multiple JFrames or should we have a separate View class for each JFrame?

I am aware that we could use the observer pattern to let various Frames communicate.

As for this link from SO, there is only 1 solution which does not address my question above: Java MVC multiple JFrame

I am also aware of The Use of Multiple JFrames, Good/Bad Practice?. But let's assume I will be having multiple JFrames which may display at the same time. I am more concern how would it be implemented with MVC.

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