lundi 31 août 2015

Java, Maven: Models and Utils Circular Dependency

We have a project that has several war files that reference one-another. I've recently realized that there is a circular-dependency between two, in particular, the utils and the models. Other services use both of these, and the utils was created for operations that would be performed on the models by other services. I was just curious what is best-practice here. Utils and models sound like they are companions to the main project, but I've never heard of a war file being called 'utils and models'... just seems strange.

Additional Info (not necessarily needed to answer the question): To be more specific, the model uses the utils for it's type adapters, which allows MyBatis to convert timestamps to joda time. The utils uses the models, which I think is more acceptable, to do common operations on model objects.

Should I just combine both into the models war? What are some other options I would have. Sadly, it was my idea to create the utility war, but now I'm thinking that they should be one. Any ideas are appreciated.

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