vendredi 31 juillet 2015

How To find distinct URI(pattern) from logs using log Parser? (-i:Textline)

I have large size logs and need find the reverse proxy and the count of the distinct uri. The format of the log is as below:

Jan 29  0:03:07 fpp-mp-a01   -   33.42.670.281,    akman_t1    CN=U-100927121845499116,OU=K,OU=A,OU=External,OU=Persons,O=indigo   Form    [29/Jan/2014:00:03:07   +0200]  POST /amm-server-serv4/main HTTP/1.1    200 246 6454    -   Java/1.8.0_45

Jan 29  0:03:07 fpp-mp-a01   -           Not Protected   [29/Jan/2014:00:03:07   +0200]  GET /flyworld HTTP/1.1  302 494 452 -   Wget/1.11.4 Red Hat modified

Here, I want to find out all the uri after the method "GET /flyworld" i.e fly world, amm-server-serv4, etc. in the logs and the total sum of count.

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