mardi 2 juin 2015

Implementing Factory Pattern with reflection

I am implementing factory pattern Here is my factory class:

class ProductFactory
    private HashMap m_RegisteredProducts = new HashMap();

    public void registerProduct (String productID, Class productClass)
        m_RegisteredProducts.put(productID, productClass);

    public Product createProduct(String productID)
        Class productClass = (Class)m_RegisteredProducts.get(productID);
        Constructor productConstructor = cClass.getDeclaredConstructor(new Class[] { String.class });
        return (Product)productConstructor.newInstance(new Object[] { });

and here is my concrete class:

class OneProduct extends Product
    static {

My Question:

  1. how do I enforce all the concrete implementations to register an ID along with their class object? - Because if the class doesn't register itself like this in the factory then it cant be used.

  2. Can't I use an abstract class which requires somehow all its child to send its name and id to the parent, enforcing this constraint? Something like this:

    public abstract class Product {
        public Product(String name, Class productClass){

Am I missing anything here?

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