I am near to completing my first production-scale Android application. It has been quite a learning process. I used to work in the Dev Tools group at Apple a while back and some of this really makes me pine for the old days. Setting up SQLite databases for Android. OMG does Android ever need a CoreData/EOF solution. Laying out interfaces? Well, InterfaceBuilder was annoying at times, but writing XML is not something humans should have to do a lot of.....
So, my app is using a NavDrawer for the main activity. I have to ask, was this even a good idea? Now I know how to set up views that have lists and scroll and such as that and I bet I can figure out the view transition animations if I wanted to. So what does NavDrawer give me, other than glitchiness?
At this point, everything mostly works. Well, moving back up from Preferences gives me the Preferences and main activity view both displaying on top of each other. But by a definition of working, it works. But I am not sure it was worth it.
Q: How does one set up a NavDrawer with 5 items?
A: It is easy! Just create these 4 classes, paste in these
300 lines of code, fix all the variable names, and do not
make any mistakes and it will work.
Q: What if it does not work?
A: Well, it worked for me. Please paste your entire project
into this page so that we can see which of the 27 things you
did not do.
Q, A, Q, A: Lather, rinse, repeat....
And this is the NavDrawer being helpful? Really? :-)
My main activity has a few master-detail lists in it. This is not a radical UI choice. I have lists of things, some with sub-things. So, in order to have the sub-thing's up button work, I have to put callback code for them into the main activity? The parent of the parent of the view I want to have the up button? Again, this is NavDrawer being helpful?
So, is the answer "Of course, you are using NavDrawer wrong", or is it "Of course, nobody actually expects NavDrawer to work unless you spend 6 months on it"? It seems that neither response would be a surprise.
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