dimanche 21 juin 2015

Converting ASP.NET MVC Standard application into N-Tier Application

I was working on a application for which i was using ASP.NET MVC. Then i came to know about n-tier architecture which i think gives more flexibility to the applications so i started converting my standard mvc project into n-tier. I also have role based views. Before asking this question i've read many online articles about N-Tier architecture but everyone has it's own kinda n-tier structure. I didn't find any example which shows standarized structure of N-Tier application. The MVC structure of my application was following :

Models :
- IBaseEntity
- IDeletableEntity
- IValidatableEntity
- File : IBaseEntity, IDeletableEntity, IvalidatableEntity
- User : IBaseEntitiy
Repositories :
- IRepo <T> where T : IBaseEntity
- IDeletableRepo <T> where T : IDeletableEntity
- IValidatableRepo <T> where T : IValidatableRepo
- Repo <T>: IRepo <T> where T : IBaseEntity
- DeletableRepo <T>: IDeletableRepo <T> where T : IDeletableEntity
- ValidatableRepo <T> : IValidatableRepo<T>where T : IValidatableRepo
- UnityOfWork //encapsulating all repos and providing acces to them
Services :
- IService <T>: where T : IBasEntity
- IValidatableService <T> where T : IValidatableEntity
- Service <T> : IService <T> : where T : IBasEntity
- ValidatableService <T>: IValidatableService <T> where T : IValidatableEntity

- FileController : Controller
- UserController : Controller

  File :
  - index.cshtml
  - view.cshtml
    Admin :
    - view.cshtml //Admin has more option while viewing page)
  User :
  - Profile.cshtml
    Admin :
    - AllProfile.cshtml

For converting it into N-Tier, i started reading so many online articles but i'm still confused. However i implemented n-tier come up with following structure :

Project Solution






The flow of my n-tier applications is : Controllers -> Services -> Repoitory + AutoFac -> Models
Actually i wanted post an image but i could'nt beacuse of 10 reputation criteria of stackoverflow.
You can click here to see n-tier structure of my application
As it's my first experience with n-tier architecture i'm not sure if the application is well architectured or not. It'd be great help if someone can tell me about the points on which i was doing wrong or the points which need some kind of modification.

Some other questions if you could help me out :
Business object is same as a model ?
Business logics are methods for a business object ?

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