samedi 30 mai 2015

View - Model Pattern Components and Sub-Components

I am developing an signalprocessing application and have some problems developing a good architecture for the core compoenent.

There are multiple components, each consisting of a view, a model and a controller which is used as an interface between view and controller. Each component is created by an factory with a given model. The view is set up with a given model and every component has its own view. I also let the model handle the signal-processing, I think this is a legit thing to do.

To organize the communication between the components, I have a "Super-Component". This thing is also split into view, model and controller and each layer is also communicating with the component classes on the same layer. The SuperModel for instance controlls the general signal-processing and uses the signal-processing of the component-models. The SuperView has to deal with the visual connections between the components.

I have appended a graphic of the whole achitecture without the factory here. What do you think, is this a legit way to organize this application-component? I think the architecture is some thing between MVP and MVC...

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