lundi 25 mai 2015

Need to write a java program to sort file content [on hold]

Write a java program to list the customer and his details in a sorted order based on input field.

Input values 1. File name & file with fields(customername|Gender|Age|DateArrived) Gender m/f Age- 1 to 99 Date Format - yymmdd

Sort by field (Value 1 for customerName, 2 for Gender, 3 for Age, 4 for DateArrived)

Output Values: 1. File name 2. New sorted file with fields(CustomerName|Gender|Age|Date Arribed)

Expectations: 1. Output should be correct 2. Identify the suitable design pattern and use 3. Code should be optimized for performance.It should work even if the input file is huge 4. Check the maintainability issues in the code and fix. 5 All the applicable Exceptions/Error handling should be done proper error message to be displayed..

Please suggest implementation its urgent

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