mercredi 27 mai 2015

Recommendation for Backend and Database Structure

this might seem like a broad question so bear with me as I'd like to find out the best approach to solving this issue using popular ideas and techniques.

I'm currently developing an App which lets you log on via Facebook and e.g. say you live in Munich displays a List of all future Events in local Bars & Clubs. This works, because usually all larger Venues create FB Events for almost every Night they're open. However, additional Information, which is not available on FB will need to be provided somehow, e.g. Genre of Music, Prices, Tickets, etc.

The idea was to create a Backend Service with a DB (either use or rent a Server and setup a Node.js/MongoDB Setting) and Tables for each Event. Since the basic Information is already provided by FB, the DB would only need to store additional Fields for each Event. The App itself thus makes two Calls. One to FB, gathering Images, and Dates, etc. and One to our Backend gathering additional Tags such as Genre. Is this even good Practice?

Besides, it proves difficult as there is no way to connect a Backend with FB, except for creating a Website where Clubmanagers could log-in with FB and have their Events imported to our Database. In this Case we would mirror FB's Data, which we try to avoid. We somehow have to map FB's Event IDs with our DB though, to be able to deliver that additional information.

How would you go on solving this in a good Way? I seem overwhelmed with this, and it's part of my Bachelors thesis :/

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