vendredi 16 octobre 2020

Software pattern to return concrete result from abstractions

So I'm trying to work out how (or if it's even possible) to put together a particular software architecture with some unconventional requirements. The architecture has a service layer and potentially multiple client layers that use the service layer.

What I would like is the service layer to take in an abstraction, and return an abstraction with concrete implementations defined by the client layers in such a way as the clients can get whatever specific result they need without the service layer having any knowledge of the type of output needed.

I can solve this problem using generics or marker interfaces and direct casting results, but both of these are suboptimal for my goals, and I was hoping someone here would have the inspiration I'm lacking.

This is a rough example of the overall structure of the abstractions in play, but is all open to revision if a suitable solution requires it:

interface IServiceResult {
    // No idea what methods this should have yet

interface IServiceHandler {
    IServiceResult CouldNotFindFile();
    IServiceResult CouldNotReadFile();
    IServiceResult ServiceSuccessful();

interface IService {
    IServiceResult PerformService(IServiceHandler outcomes);

// Console Client Code:
IService service = new Service();
IServiceHandler handler = new ConsoleServiceHandler();
IServiceResult result = service.PerformService(handler);
/* Some process to convert IServiceResult to text to display in the console */

// API Endpoint Client Code:
IService service = new Service();
IServiceHandler handler = new ApiServiceHandler();
IServiceResult result = service.PerformService(handler);
/* Some process to convert IServiceResult to Http Status Code to return to client */

My intuition is to have some sort of double dispatch with the IServiceResult but I can't work out of/how to end up with the desired result from that point on. Any insight would be most appreciated.

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