mercredi 28 octobre 2020

Design pattern to avoid returning interfaces

My application has the following model that I simplified on purpose, and I think there is a lot of code smell in the way I am using interfaces:

  1. Libraries have Collections
  2. Collections have Items
  3. Libraries know where the location if Item is.

Let's say I have ten libraries (that will be implemented in separated packages, each one with its specificities).

I want to manipulate the libraries in handlers to serve requests. So, I defined the following interfaces:

type Library interface {
    ListCollections(prefix string) []Collection
    GetItemLocation(item Item) string    
type Collection interface {
    SearchItems(query string) []Item
type Item interface {
    Name() string
    Summary() string

I cannot define an Item struct as each one is different. However, with respect to the outer world, having the Item interface is sufficient.

As you can see, I have methods returning interfaces and I don't really like it. Moreover, I struggle with, in this example, the GetItemLocation part: it expects an Item, but I need to access fields of the Item (specific to each collection) so it forces me to type cast the argument inside the method.

Which patterns could I use to breakdown this complexity and write more diomatic go code?

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