I'm making a program that validates license plates for 31 States, each have different format and go from certain values also they should not include the letters I,O or Q in any of the license plates, here are the formats:
AGUASCALIENTES --from AAA-0001 to AFZ- 9999
BAJA CALIFORNIA-- from AGA-0001 to CYZ-9999
BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR-- from CZA-0001 to DEZ-9999
CAMPECHE -- from DFA-0001 to DKZ-9999
CHIAPAS -- from DLA-0001 to DSZ-9999
CHIHUAHUA -- from DTA-0001 to ETZ-9999
COAHUILA -- from EUA-0001 to FPZ-9999
COLIMA -- from FRA-0001 to FWZ-9999
DURANGO -- from FXA-0001 to GFZ-9999
STATE OF MEXICO -- from LGA-0001 to PEZ-9999
GUANAJUATO -- from GGA-0001 to GYZ-9999
GUERRERO -- from GZA-0001 to HFZ-9999
HIDALGO -- from HGA-0001 to HRZ-9999
JALISCO -- from HSA-0001 to LFZ-9999
MICHOACÁN -- from PFA-0001 to PUZ-9999
MORELOS -- from PVA-0001 to RDZ-9999
NAYARIT -- from REA-0001 to RJZ-9999
NUEVO LEÓN -- from RKA-0001 to TGZ-999
OAXACA -- from THA-0001 to TMZ-9999
PUEBLA-- from TNA-0001 to UJZ-9999
QUERÉTARO-- from UKA-0001 to UPZ-9999
QUINTANA ROO-- from URA-0001 to UVZ-9999
SAN LUIS POTOSÍ-- from UWA-0001 to VEZ-9999
SINALOA-- from VFA-0001 to VSZ-9999
SONORA-- from VTA-0001 to WKZ-9999
TABASCO-- from WLA-0001 to WWZ-9999
TAMAULIPAS-- from WXA-0001 to XSZ-9999
TLAXCALA-- from XTA-0001 to XXZ-9999
VERACRUZ-- from XYA-0001 to YVZ-9999
YUCATÁN-- from YWA-0001 to ZCZ-9999
ZACATECAS-- fromZDA-0001 to ZHZ-9999
So acording to the format a license plate for Campeche would go like this : DGB-5643
I made these patterns
Pattern p1 = Pattern.compile("[a][a-z&&[^ioqghjklmnprstuvwxyz]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m1 = p1.matcher(field_val.getText()); // aguascalientes
Pattern p2 = Pattern.compile("[a|b|c][a-z&&[^ioqhjklmnprstuvwx]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m2 = p2.matcher(field_val.getText()); // bajac
Pattern p3 = Pattern.compile("[c|d][a-z&&[^ioqfghjklmnprstuvwxy]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m3 = p3.matcher(field_val.getText()); // bajasur
Pattern p4 = Pattern.compile("[d][a-z&&[^ioqabcdelmnprstuvwxyz]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m4 = p4.matcher(field_val.getText()); // campeche
Pattern p5 = Pattern.compile("[d][a-z&&[^ioqabcdefghjktuvwxyz]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m5 = p5.matcher(field_val.getText()); // chiapas
Pattern p6 = Pattern.compile("[d|e][a-z&&[^ioqabcdefghjklmnprsuvwxyz]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m6 = p6.matcher(field_val.getText()); // chihuahua
Pattern p7 = Pattern.compile("[e|f][a-z&&[^ioqabcdefghjklmnvwxyz]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m7 = p7.matcher(field_val.getText()); // coahuila
Pattern p8 = Pattern.compile("[f][a-z&&[^ioqabcdefghjklmnpxyz]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m8 = p8.matcher(field_val.getText()); // colima
Pattern p9 = Pattern.compile("[f|g][a-z&&[^ioqghjklmnprstuvw]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m9 = p9.matcher(field_val.getText()); // durango
Pattern p10 = Pattern.compile("[l|m|n|p][a-z&&[^ioqf]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m10 = p10.matcher(field_val.getText()); // edomex
Pattern p11 = Pattern.compile("[g][a-z&&[^ioqabcdefz]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m11 = p11.matcher(field_val.getText()); // guanajuato
Pattern p12 = Pattern.compile("[g|h][a-z&&[^ioqghjklmnprstuvwxy]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m12 = p12.matcher(field_val.getText()); // guerrero
Pattern p13 = Pattern.compile("[h][a-z&&[^ioqabcdefstuvwxyz]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m13 = p13.matcher(field_val.getText()); // hidalgo
Pattern p14 = Pattern.compile("[h|j|k|l][a-z&&[^ioqabcdetuvwxyz]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m14 = p14.matcher(field_val.getText()); // jalisco
Pattern p15 = Pattern.compile("[p][a-z&&[^ioqabcdevwxyz]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m15 = p15.matcher(field_val.getText()); // michoacan
Pattern p16 = Pattern.compile("[p|r][a-z&&[^ioqefghjklmnprstu]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m16 = p16.matcher(field_val.getText()); // morelos
Pattern p17 = Pattern.compile("[r][a-z&&[^ioqabcdklmnprstuvwxyz]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m17 = p17.matcher(field_val.getText()); // nayarit
Pattern p18 = Pattern.compile("[r|s|t][a-z&&[^ioqhj]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m18 = p18.matcher(field_val.getText()); // nuevoleon
Pattern p19 = Pattern.compile("[t][a-z&&[^ioqabcdefgnprstuvwxyz]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m19 = p19.matcher(field_val.getText()); // oaxaca
Pattern p20 = Pattern.compile("[t|u][a-z&&[^ioqklm]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m20 = p20.matcher(field_val.getText()); // puebla
Pattern p21 = Pattern.compile("[u][a-z&&[^ioqabcdefghjrstuvwxyz]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m21 = p21.matcher(field_val.getText()); // queretaro
Pattern p22 = Pattern.compile("[u][a-z&&[^ioqabcdefghjklmnpwxyz]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m22 = p22.matcher(field_val.getText()); // quintanaroo
Pattern p23 = Pattern.compile("[u|v][a-z&&[^ioqfghjklmnprstuv]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m23 = p23.matcher(field_val.getText()); // sanluispotosi
Pattern p24 = Pattern.compile("[v][a-z&&[^ioqabcdetuvwxyz]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m24 = p24.matcher(field_val.getText()); // sinaloa
Pattern p25 = Pattern.compile("[v|w][a-z&&[^ioqlmnprs]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m25 = p25.matcher(field_val.getText()); // sonora
Pattern p26 = Pattern.compile("[w][a-z&&[^ioqabcdefghjkxyz]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m26 = p26.matcher(field_val.getText()); // tabasco
Pattern p27 = Pattern.compile("[w|x][a-z&&[^ioqtuvw]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m27 = p27.matcher(field_val.getText()); // tamaulipas
Pattern p28 = Pattern.compile("[x][a-z&&[^ioqabcdefghjklmnprsyz]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m28 = p28.matcher(field_val.getText()); // tlaxcala
Pattern p29 = Pattern.compile("[x][a-z&&[^ioqwx]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m29 = p29.matcher(field_val.getText()); // veracruz
Pattern p30 = Pattern.compile("[y|z][a-z&&[^ioqdefghjklmnprstuv]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m30 = p30.matcher(field_val.getText()); // yucatan
Pattern p31 = Pattern.compile("[z][a-z&&[^ioqabcjklmnprstuvwxy]][a-z][-]\\d\\d\\d\\d");
Matcher m31 = p31.matcher(field_val.getText()); // zacatecas
I'm sending the result to a textfield
called res
here are the matchers
if (m1.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Aguascalientes");
} else if (m2.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Baja");
} else if (m3.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Baja Sur");
} else if (m4.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Campeche");
} else if (m5.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Chiapas");
} else if (m6.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Chihuahua");
} else if (m7.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Coahuila");
} else if (m8.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Colima");
} else if (m9.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Durango");
} else if (m10.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Edomex");
} else if (m11.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Guanajuato");
} else if (m12.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Guerrero");
} else if (m13.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Hidalgo");
} else if (m14.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Jalisco");
} else if (m15.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Michoacan");
} else if (m16.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Morelos");
} else if (m17.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Nayarit");
} else if (m18.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Nuevo Leon");
} else if (m19.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Oaxaca");
} else if (m20.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Puebla");
} else if (m21.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Queretaro");
} else if (m22.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Quintana Roo");
} else if (m23.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is San Luis Potosi");
} else if (m24.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Sinaloa");
} else if (m25.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Sonora");
} else if (m26.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Tabasco");
} else if (m27.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Tamaulipas");
} else if (m28.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Tlaxcala");
} else if (m29.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Veracruz");
} else if (m30.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Yucatan");
} else if (m31.find()) {
res.setText(" Your State is Zacatecas");
In cases where the first Letter Repeats in two or three states i don't get the correct match for the state i want
For example i input ABH-6262 and i get Your State is Baja California
as a result and i'm expecting to get Aguascalientes
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